Issac "Tookie" Jefferson

Jane Brayboy Jefferson

My great-grandmother, Cornelia Jefferson Hines Nickleberry (center rear)pictured with her 5 other sisters

A while ago, I wrote about how pleasantly surprised and grateful I was to have received a package containing photographs of my Jefferson ancestors. It was so wonderful to finally put the faces with people who it seemed like I had known all my life since I had heard about them from various relatives. As well, I have traced their lives from a genealogical standpoint basically from birth to slavery to their deaths. I pretty much know when they laughed, when they cried, and when they got on their knees and praised God through the miracle of genealogy records.
It is so nice to actually see the people that I have spent so much time researching and writing about.
They are included below on the 1880 census. Also, listed the this Census page are other relatives, Lewis and Syntrilla Lejay and his parents Edwin and Mary Lejay but the census taker wrote their surname "Legere."