I recently ran across another possible surname, Brizendine which could be the origin of my Brittentine Line. These slaveowners are from Virginia and Kentucky where my Brittentine line came from. It may be a stretch but it is one of the closest surnames that I found to my Brittentine line. Variations of the name include Brizendine/Brisendine information, consider a variety of spellings including Bresendine, Brisendine, Brezentine, Bresentine, Brasentine, Brigindine, Briginden. I will explore more since that family has a website but here is a 1850 slave schedule as follows:
The names in the middle are the slaveowners and the slaves are mentioned at the beginning only by age gender and race.
27 Female Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
26 Male Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
8 Female Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
7 Male Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
5 Female Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
3 Female Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
0 Female Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
0 Male Black Austin Brizendine Essex, Virginia
46 Female Black Elizabeth Brizendine Essex, Virginia
5 Male Black Elizabeth Brizendine Essex, Virginia
3 Female Black Elizabeth Brizendine Essex, Virginia
2 Male Black Elizabeth Brizendine Essex, Virginia
0 Female Black Elizabeth Brizendine Essex, Virginia
45 Female Black Wiley Brizendine Essex, Virginia
20 Male Black Wiley Brizendine Essex, Virginia
20 Male Black Wiley Brizendine Essex, Virginia
20 Male Black J Brisendine District 1, Todd, Kentucky
30 Female Black Mary Brisendine Essex, Virginia
10 Female Black Mary Brisendine Essex, Virginia
4 Male Black Mary Brisendine Essex, Virginia
2 Female Black Mary Brisendine Essex, Virginia
2 Female Black Mary Brisendine Essex, Virginia
41 Male Black John C Brisendine Essex, Virginia
40 Female Black John C Brisendine Essex, Virginia
10 Male Black John C Brisendine Essex, Virginia
24 Female Black Temple Brisendine Essex, Virginia
14 Female Black Temple Brisendine Essex, Virginia
Also, here is the will of a John Brizendine of Essex virgina but no slaves mentioned
The Will of JOHN BRIZENDINE Will written on 9/15/1777
Essex County, Va. Wills # 3 - 1775-1785 Page 314-315, 341-342
In the name of God, Amen. I, JOHN BRIZENDINE of the parish of South Farnham in the county of
Essex, beinng very sick and weak, but of perfect sence and memory, do make this my last will
and testament, revoking all other wills in my name whatsoever.
First, I bequeath my soul to Jesus Christ that gave it in share of sartain hope of the
resurrection of both body and soul at the last day, and my body to be buried according
to the direction of my Executors; and for what estate it hath pleased God to bestow upon
me, I bequeath as
followeth ----
Item - I do give to my daughter, NANA BRIZENDINE my ---- harnesses and stays to she and
her heirs forever.
Item - I do lend all the rest of my real estate both real and personal to my loving wife,
SUSANAH BRIZENDINE during her natural life or widowhood and afterwards I give it as followeth:
Item - I do give to my son, RICHARD BRIZENDINE, twenty five acres of land joininng WILLIAM
COLE on the great swamp beginning at a black oak tree between my land and THOMAS DOBBINS to
he and his heirs forever.
Item - I do give to my son, ABNER BRIZENDINE all the rest of my land and houses to he and
his heirs forever. And if he should die under age or without heir lawfully begotten I do
leave it to be equally divided between my two sons RUBIN BRIZENDINE and BARTELET BRIZENDINE.
Item - I do leave all the rest of my whole estate not yet mentioned to be equally divided
among all my chhildren.
Lastly, I do ordain, constitute and appoint my loving wife, SUSANAH BRIZENDINE and my son,
WILLIAM BRIZENDINE holely and soally Executors of this my last will and testament, revoking
all other wills in my name whatsoever. This is the 15th day of September in the year of our
Lord, one thousand seven hundred seventy seven.
Signed, sealed in the JOHN X BRIZENDINE
presence of His mark
Will proven in court 8/27/1780.
Submitted by
Carol Bush Sikes
1 comment:
Hi Karen. I am the publisher of www.brizendine.org. I just came across your blog about the Brittentine family. The names certainly are similar so it's a distinct possibility that there is a connection. I'm hoping someday to start a Brizendine/Brisendine family name DNA project (if there isn't one already). That would be one way to help solve a few mysteries.
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