According to census records, my ggg-grandfather, Oliver Clayton was born a slave around 1841 in Virginia as were both of his parents whose names I presently do not know.
He legally married my ggg-grandmother, Edy (Edie)Williams Clayton on July 24, 1869 in Caddo Parish after slavery ended. I indicated that he legally married her because like many other former slaves, they were previously unable to have legal marriages while they were held captive, rather they were only able to "jump the broom." Hence, once slavery ended, they like many other of my slave ancestors made it official even though they already had a house full of kids, the oldest being born in 1861 so they had been together at least that long.
Census records indicate that Grandma Edy was born in South Carolina and so were her parents.
Their children were Johnson, Rosa and my gg-grandpa John (Johnnie) Clayton. These were only the ones that I knew of but there could have been others.
The pair resided in Bossier Parish in and around the Plain Dealing area.
Oliver later married Harriett Clayton in 1895 as indicated on the 1900 census that they had been married 5 years. I'm not sure whether he and my ggg-greatmother had divorced or he proceeded her in death.
Oliver died on 12/30/1917 only 28 days after his wife died on 12/2/1917. His age is listed as 48 but he had to be at least 76 at that time.
1880 Census Records:
Oliver CLAYTON Self M M B 39 VA
Occ: Laborer Fa: VA Mo: VA
Edy CLAYTON Wife F M B 40 SC
Occ: Laborer Fa: SC Mo: SC
Johnson CLAYTON Son M S B 19 LA
Occ: Laborer Fa: VA Mo: SC
John CLAYTON Son M S B 12 LA
Occ: Laborer Fa: VA Mo: SC
Rosa CLAYTON Dau F S B 16 LA
Occ: Laborer Fa: VA Mo: SC
Mary HACKET Other F S B 15 LA
Occ: Boarder-Laborer Fa: LA Mo: LA
Titus ANDERSON Other M W B 56 SC
Occ: Laborer Fa: SC Mo: SC
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