This is a article that ran in The Charleston Mercury newspapers that gives casualties of the 2nd Manassas (Battle of Bull Run). Among the injured is Boykin's father, John Witherspoon.
ITEM #5599September 8, 1862The Charleston Mercury
THE CASUALTIES IN THE LATE BATTLES AT MANASSAS. - The lists of casualties in the recent battles in Northern Virginia,owing, doubtless, to the distance intervening between the scene of hostilities and the nearest telegraph station, come in very slowly. We gather, however, from private sources the following details:
Gen. JENKINS has telegraphed that he will be home in tendays. We are induced to hope, therefore, that his wound is notserious.
Capt. JOHN WITHERSPOON, of Col. MEANS'regiment, received a severe wound in the thigh, breaking it. He is at Warrenton.
Mr. RUDOLPH SEIGLING, of the German Artillery (Charleston),was killed.
Lieut. P.A. AVEILHE, of Capt. MURDEN'S company, 23d S.C.V.,and private L. SIDNEY AVEILHE, of the W. L. I. Volunteers, wereslightly wounded. Also, private THADDEUS L. CAT, of the W. L.I. Volunteers.
A private letter from the Quartermaster Sergeant of the17th S. C. V., dated Rappahannock river, August 25, containsthe following in regard to the battle of the 23d ult.: 'Ourregiment lost one man killed, and three wounded. The HolcombeLegion lost sixteen wounded and their color bearer killed. Hefell just as they were mounting a Yankee redoubt, with thecolors (Mrs. PICKENS'gift) in his hand. He was brought in and buried close to our camp. I saw our friend Lieut. MUNRObrought in badly wounded.'
Lieut. WM. ALLEN, of the Chicora Rifles, was killed. TheColumbia Guardian of yesterday publishes the following private despatches:
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