My 2007 Family Reunion in Kansas City, Missouri was a resounding success! It took place during the Labor Day Weekend and included a Fish Fry on Friday night, a Barbeque and Picnic with a formal program on Saturday and Church Service on Sunday followed by a Western Day back at the Community Center that included horseback riding.
I think it is fair to say that a good time was had by all!
Hello ..
My name is Ryan and I am a Brittentine. I am from Ohio and I appreciate that you are doing this My mother and I(who is also a Brittentine)have thought about doing this for quite some time. Our family name is too unique and we are too sparse for us not to be related in some way. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I sure we will have much to talk about. In total there are 5 of us in the mmidwest region
Hi Ryan-
I am so glad that you have contacted me. I have known for a long time that there were other Brittentines that were in Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. Besides these states, the only other ones are my line from Louisiania which started with my ggg-grandfather, Monroe Brittentine who originally came from Kentucky.
Your line, if it is the one, I am thinking of in Ohio is fairly easy to trace back to slavery since they are well documented on most of the early census records. I really do believe they were related to my ggg-grandfather, Monroe.
As you can see, we have the Lee, Smith, Gay, Brittentine Family Reunion every other year. The next one is in California in 2009. It would be so great if you all could make it.
In the meantime, I would be happy to help you in any way I can to help you further trace your Brittentine roots.
Anyway, thanks again for responding and I look forward to talking to you.
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